


The committee people of the First Ward are motivated not just by civic duty and a desire for cleaner government, but also by the real needs of our communities in South Philadelphia. We support a Democratic Party that is run democratically and transparently from the bottom up, with committee people engaging with their neighbors in the political process and organizing to meet all of our basic human needs.


We stand for and support:

  1. A democratic ward in which committee people discuss and vote on candidate endorsements and other decisions with clear, fair procedures to maintain democratic accountability to voters. Ward meetings are open to the public and used positively to help us all learn more about our government and shape its decisions and priorities.

  2. Ward financial transparency, including regular reports with all revenues and expenses. All committee people who perform their duties on election day are entitled to equal payments from the Ward, and committee people will not accept additional money from any other source for any reason.

  3. The needs of working people and our communities. We demand not just constituent services but policies and programs that address our very real needs—for healthcare, high-quality neighborhood public schools, services for the elderly and for children, dignified jobs for all, a public health response to drug addiction, investments in public infrastructure and public transportation, and clean air and water. The First Ward is committed to building our community’s power to demand that our elected officials work everyday to meet these needs.

  4. Grassroots engagement and leadership that recognizes that politics, community organizing, civic duty, and public service are all connected and start with talking with our neighbors. As committee people, we will knock as many doors as we can each primary and general election and have meaningful conversations.

  5. Open minds and respect and caring for each other. We consciously work to reject stereotypes and assumptions about our neighbors. Stepping up as community leaders means being humble and listening openly to diverse experiences in our community. When differences create tension, we search for common ground on our core values.

  6. Each other. We are accountable to our values and principles and work together to support politicians, candidates, ward officers, other committee people, and community leaders who share these values and principles.




Philly First Ward voted and approved new rules in addition to the rules of the party. Note that only first ward committee people are allowed to vote in rule meetings. These rules are as follows:



Resolution to Oppose the Proposed 76ers Arena in Chinatown